does in pasture before storm

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Thank you for your interest in the herd. Dairy goats have been part of my life for the past 40 years and they now are supplying milk for the third generation of goat lovers. This relationship has brought great rewards, frustrations, wonderful human and caprine friends, and a lifestyle that few outside goat world can understand.

The herd has access to pasture and a round bale of mixed grass hay 365 days a year. Limited amounts of a 14% whole grain mix (no pellets!) are fed by hand. The records are made with no alfalfa and should be easily replicated under similar management. Records were higher when we fed alfalfa  but it has become very scarce and expensive. Close attention is given to minerals offered. Kids are removed from the dams at birth and raised on heat treated goat colostrum and pasteurized milk. The herd is certified, accredited, abscess free and was tested 100% negative of Johnes by the state. We expect our does to be healthy, hardy and trouble free. Excess milk is used for soap and cheese making and feeding the Holstein heifer calves on the farm. Fierce Maremma Coco and laid back Pyr Roo are on guard duty 24/7 to keep the coyotes at bay.

The herd has been on continuous standard DHIR since 1984 and has been appraised numerous times. Judging assignments, two engaging grandchildren and a shift in priorities have limited our time for showing.  Because we are showing so infrequently, we are more apt to let some fancy milkers go to homes where they will be shown. Appraisal scores show numerous generations of excellent does in the herd. We strive to produce animals who are structurally correct, will live a long productive life, and reproduce themselves. We are not interested in the flavor of the month, nor are we interested in excessively high milk records, except in the area of percentage of components . This Alpine herd currently tests 3.9% fat and 3.0% protein with certain individuals testing over 4.5% fat.

We would be happy to supply you with a kid or milker to be competitive in the show ring but are just as proud that commercial herds look to us for breeding stock and are often repeat buyers. Please let us know if you have any questions . Our email is generally checked daily.

Goats playing on spools


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Postal Address:
HC 37 Box 152
Lewisburg, WV 24901

Telephone: (304) 645-2365



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